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My personal editing philosophy:


The short version: 

I seek to help people communicate with confidence, write with clarity, and reach their intended audience with purpose and persuasion, no matter the project. 



The long version:

I've been a grammarian-in-training for years: during high school I edited papers at red lights while driving home, complained about the misuse of commas on the bathroom posters, and made sure to find a typewriter with a backspace button, so my own mistakes were hidden with correction tape. I've been preparing to be an editor for my whole life. 


Wordsmith Services exists to move a project past the "processing" stage and through the final proofreading and polishing steps. 


I want to help you create clear and effective communication. Drawing on my studies as a Communication major and Professional Writing minor, 2.5 years of experience and training at a university writing center, and a lifetime of language-loving, I believe I am up for the task.

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A bit more about me:


I'm a logophile: a fancy way to say I'm a lover of words. I studied Spanish, Communication, and Professional Writing at the University of Wyoming because of my passions for language and connection with others through written and verbal means. 


I first practiced giving advice with my three younger sisters, but moved on to work with clients at the UW Writing Center when they weren't a very receptive crew. I also attended my first writer's conference (Writers on the Rock) when I was fourteen, and returned for several subsequent years, hungry for growth and inspired by the writers I saw all around me.


I love that I can now help writers share their own stories by perfecting their punctuation and streamlining their style.


I believe that the stories we tell ourselves and others have the power to shape worlds. I'm a wordy Smith, and through Wordsmith Services, I hope to help you find your voice, share your story, and make this world better, one writer at a time. 


Wordsmith Services:
Communicate with Confidence

Emily Maljanian


Based from San Antonio, TX

Online services available


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