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wordsmith services
You likely planned a grocery list this week. Errands. Appointments. Workouts. Fun times. And the list goes on.
But of the hundred thousand words you spoke and wrote this many of those did you strategize?
Using the right words is often the key to getting the friends, jobs, and education we all want.
How confident do you feel about your words?
I don't know about you, but I woke up craving confidence, and I believe that everyone needs an editor, because everyone deserves to feel confident.
I can be a confidant that makes you feel confident that your communication is clear and excellent. I can be that person who is “word smart" so that you can sound smart. I can be the extra eyes that make you feel excellent about your work.
Essays. Websites. Newsletters. Resumes. Scholarships.
Cover Letters. Memoirs. Flyers. Statements of Purpose.
I’ve worked with their words….now it’s time for yours.
Time to talk with someone who’s word smart.
Time to hire a Wordsmith.
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